Existing Registration
Company Details - Details

Details - Address

Company Name: Enter the unique Trading name of your company. (Note: If this has already been registered you will be informed of this and should contact the person initially registered so they may add you as an additional contact. If they are not available contact the procurement department and request they give you access to the information or add you as an additional contact. Their phone number and e-mail address can be found on the Main Help page).

Address Line: Enter your company's address details in the provided Address Line text fields. (Note: Only the Address Line 1, Post Code and Country are mandatory).

Contact Details: Enter your company's contact details such as a Telephone, Fax number, company website and several other e-mail addresses such as health and safety or enquiries. (Note: Only the Telephone Number is mandatory).

Publish E-Mail: Enter a valid e-mail address used to send out notifications regarding new documents published or correspondence received.

Details - Company

Company Number: Enter the unique registration number for your company. (Note: If this has already been registered you will be informed of this and should contact the person initially registered so they may add you as an additional contact. If they are not available contact the procurement department and request they give you access to the information or add you as an additional contact. Their phone number and e-mail address can be found on the Main Help page).

Company Information: Enter several details concerning the company such as number of staff, VAT Number and your company accounts year end date.

Details - Banking

Company Information: Enter several details concerning the company such as whom your company banks with and their address details and account information.

Details - Insurance

Company Information: Enter several details concerning the company such as whom your company is insured, by several different aspects and the values and dates this has been set for.

Details - Other

Company Information: Enter several details concerning the company such as your company's CIS Certificate number and the start and end date your company's CIS runs from and to.

Details - Accreditation

Company Information: Enter several details concerning the company such as your company's ISO information or any other information you feel is applicable to your company.

Company Details - Documents

Documents: Upload documents such as health and safety and accounts information for the procurement team to access if required.

Placeholders: All mandatory documents the procurement department are requesting from you are listed at the top with an Upload document button, once this is selected you will be required to enter an expiry date. If left blank this is set to never expire.

Additional Documents: You can also upload additional documents not specifically requested by the procurement department. You can use this feature to attach additional documents to placeholders. (i.e If you have three spreadsheets full of accounts, upload one document for the mandatory placeholder and use his option to upload the rest to the same type). You can do this by using the type option at the bottom of the page. Select the type of document use wish to upload, browse for the file and select an expiry date if appropriate or leave blank to never expire. (Note: The procurement department can choose to disable this feature. Should this not be available contact the procurement department for the next best course of action).

Existing Company Documents: Once a document or placeholder has been uploaded the options given change to View Document, Download Document, Document History, Replace Document.

View Document: Selecting this option will give you three options. Open, Save, Cancel. Selecting open will give you access to view the document. (Note: If you proceed to save the document after opening it, you shall be saving a temporary internet version of the file and it is not likely to work if you try to access from this saved version). If you select Save this will give you the option to save this to your local computer. You shall be downloading the file as it was when uploaded. This is the option you should use if you wish to make any amendments or complete any information required in the Document. Selecting cancel with close the dialogue box given with the options.

Download Document: Selecting this option will give you three options. Open, Save, Cancel. Selecting open will give you access to view the document. (Note: If you proceed to save the document after opening it. You shall be saving a temporary internet version of the file and is not likely to work if you try to access from this saved version). If you select Save this will give you the option to save this to your local computer. You shall be downloading the file as it was when uploaded. This is the option you should use if you wish to make any amendments or complete any information required in the document. Selecting cancel with close the dialogue box given with the options.

Document History: This option will show all previous versions of the document that have been uplaoded using the replace option and the original document uploaded. You may View or Download these using the corresponding options.

Replace Document: This option will allow you to upload a more recent version of the document currently uploaded (i.e The company's account information is now a year out of date and needs updating with this year's current account information). Once this is selected you will be required to enter an expiry date. If left blank this is set to never expire.

Removing Existing Company Documents: Once a document or placeholder has been uploaded there is no way to remove the document without requesting this from the procurement department.

Company Details - Business Categories

Codes: A simple search and selection method is provided here for you to classify the nature of your business. Enter something that is relative to your company in the serach box and select search. A list will then be provided based on your search. If nothing is returned modify your criteria or enter no criteria and select search (This will return all current business categories). Should you still not be provided with something you wish to classify against, you may wish to contact the procurement department as they manage all the categories themselves. We suggest if you are looking to express interest in a specific tender, contact the procurement department and confirm which category they will be using to classify the tender. Selecting clear will clear all search criteria entered.

Add/Remove Codes: A blue plus icon will be provided next to each code currently not associated with your company. Selecting this will associate it with your company. A red cross icon will be provided next to each code currently associated with your company. Selecting this will unassociate it with your company.

Company Details - Contact Details

Contact: Use the Contact Dropdown to select an existing contact to update their details or select --New Contact-- to add an additional contact to the company.

Name: Enter the First Name and Surname of the contact at the company.

E-Mail: Enter a valid e-mail address for use when logging in as contact.

Password: Enter a secure password which will be used for logging in as the contact for the company.

Details: Enter additional information such as contact details or the position within the company the contact holds.