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Login Information

The procurement team control how you login to the In-Tend website. This is always a secure login but can be more comprehensive and even more secure. There are two stages to logging in. The first stage is mandatory, however the second is not. See below for more details

Stage 1

Some form of action must be taken at the login for Stage 1. i.e you may be required to enter your details in the following combinations:
User ID + Password
e-Mail Address + Password
User ID + e-Mail Address + Password

User ID: This may not always be required when logging in. This is a number automatically generated by the system. This is a unique number and only you can use this to login into In-Tend. i.e Dave and John are both registered to the same company. Dave's User ID is '1234567890', however John's User ID is '0987654321'. If this is not required on login you will be expected to enter your e-mail address. If you are unsure what you User ID is use the Forgotten Details option on the Home page, see below for more information regarding the Forgotten Details option.

E-Mail Address: This may not always be required when logging in. This is the e-mail address set against each individual and the e-mail address you may have set up during registration. This has to be unique and only you can use this to login into In-Tend. Two individuals may not have the same e-mail address on the same In-Tend Installation. i.e Dave's e-mail address is David may not also set his e-mail address to the same e-mail address. However David may register with another In-Tend installation and use this e-mail address. If you have forgotten which e-mail address is registered to your In-Tend account use the Forgotten Details option on the Home page, see below for more information regarding the Forgotten Details option.

Password: This is always required when logging in. This is the password set against each individual and the password you may have set up during registration. This can be anything you desire. Just make sure you make it memorable. If you have forgotten your password use the Forgotten Details option on the Home page, see below for more information regarding the Forgotten Details option.

Stage 2

An action may not necessarily be required at Stage 2. You may not even notice there is a Stage 2. After your password has been input your are logged straight into the secure area of the website. This is the most common form of login which the procurement team have set. However should you be required to enter some information on Stage 2. Here are the possible combinations:

PIN Code

Pass Phrase

PIN Code + Pass Phrase

PIN Code: This may not always be required when logging in. This is a four digit numerical code set against each individual. Should the procurement team require you to use this upon a secure login, after registration, upon your first login attempt you will be required to set you PIN Code. If you have forgotten your PIN Code use the Forgotten Details option on the Home page, see below for more information regarding the Forgotten Details option.

Pass Phrase: This may not always be required when logging in. This is a twelve character alphabetical phrase. This does not allow for any special characters including spaces. Should the procurement team require you to use this upon a secure login, after registration, upon your first login attempt you will be required to set you Pass Phrase. You will also be required to set a Reminder message regarding your Pass Phrase. Just make sure this is not set to the same as your Pass Phrase. If you have forgotten your Pass Phrase use the Forgotten Details option on the Home page, see below for more information regarding the Forgotten Details option.

Forgotten Details

Should you have forgotten your User ID, Password, PIN Code or Pass Phrase you may use the Forgotten Details option. Select the Forgotten Details button. This will ask you to enter your e-mail address. If this is a valid registered e-mail address it will send an e-mail containing all your login information. Should you be unsure what your e-mail address is. Try an e-mail address that you think is registered. If it states 'The E-Mail Address could not be found in our records' that means that the e-mail address entered is not a valid and not set against a registered company in the website. Should you be unsuccessful and still unsure what e-mail address has been registered, contact the procurement department who will be able to access your companies details. **NOTE** The Support Team do not have access to your company's information and this is all handled by the procurement team.